Busy Time

Brrrr! It’s Eski-mooooooo cold in Kentucky this morning.

Looking on the bright side, it is only 7 degrees outside. It was supposed to get down to 4.

It’s going to be a busy day! Tonight is the Pack Meeting & we are having our Space Derby. Phil has Hunters’ Education tonight with several of the Boy Scouts. Since my husband & I cannot be two places at once and we’re both needed at the Space Derby, the Scoutmaster is taking Phil to his Hunters’ Education class, while we put on the Space Derby for the Cub Scouts. Phil did really well at last night’s class, according to his dad. It started at 6:30 and went on until 9:30. WOW! Long class. It’s another three hours tonight, four hours Saturday, plus the hands on (shooting) session. They mentioned three ways to fail the class! Haha – (1) no class participation, (2) mishandle firearms or (3) fail the test. They went on to mention the test had multiple choice and true / false type questions. It had 80 questions and you fail if you miss 15 of the questions.

I did not get to make my Cruiseabella card last night. But I did play with my new JLO stamp set. JLO is having a HUGE release – ten stamp sets – on February 1. Each member of the DT is featuring one stamp set – mine is Relaxation Tree for All Seasons. This stamp set has THIRTY stamps. (Yep…I counted them on Wednesday night – thirty stamps!)

I was apprehensive when JessicaLynn shared the news that she selected me for the “tree stamp set”. But – that’s what being on a design team is all about – expanding your horizons, accepting challenges and doing the best you can do. I have done several images (for the lack of a better word here), using various techniques (Jessica…calm down…stop jumping up & down…oh my – you just squeezed the breath out of me with that hug!). I made a Halloween tree, a couple of spring trees. Then, last night I hit JACKPOT with my summer tree! OMGosh! It’s gorgeous.

I had a “DUH?!” moment last night. I was attempting to use the “bush stamp”. Then it hit me –it was a set of leaves! OMGosh – what a gorgeous tree it made.

Wanna see pictures?

Tee Hee…soon my friends…soon.