Welcome 2013.   My word for 2013 is PEACE.   Have you chosen a word for 2013?  What did you choose? Thank you for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day, month & year! ~Melissa

U R the Cat’s MEOW

This is a layout featuring the cat applique stained glass quilt Mom made and entered into the Lincoln Days quilt show!  A gorgeous quilt.  Not sure the layout does it justice! I used one of Sally’s fab sketches, SBSC293.  …

Sophomore Art Project

I’m getting my scrap back on.  I pulled this set of pictures from Phillip’s sophomore art project.  Six pictures…and off I went to find a sketch.  I found 02.22.12 sketch from Let’s Scrap.  Then I went to my Studio Calico …

Adult Road Sign Game

OK.  Now that title…hmmm…didn’t come out quite right.  Let’s try that again. Did you ever play a game as a child called the road sign game?  It’s a travel game using flashcards preprinted with various road signs.  The object …

Elmwood Park is Hot & Dry

Not sure about Elmwood Park…but it surely is hot & dry in Elizabethtown KY!  whew. What’s this Elmwood Park stuff, you ask?  AH…Studio Calico July kit.  I went nuts.  LOL.  Ain’t that an understatement.  I purchased the main …

Counterfeiting Add-On Kits – NEWPORT from Studio Calico

I fell in love with Studio Calico kits.   This month’s main kit is So Cal.  I have no worries on the main kit selling out because I subscribe.  HOWEVER, for any of the four monthly add-on kits…that’s another story.  (sigh)  …

PL Journaling Cards and Happy Mail

I busted out my new Studio Calico Weekdays stamp set.  My initial plan for this set is to use them in Project Life!  First up…custom journaling cards! I’ve fallen in love with Studio Calico!  (sigh)  Their stuff is really Project Life …

Washi Tape

a.k.a. Japanese Masking Tape.   My current collection…as of this post.  LOL. I saw some cool flags in a Studio Calico kit…so I…ahem…counterfeited…I mean…made my own.    Washi Tape Flags Cute tins from Mish Wooderson’s Esty shop keeps …

Too OLD for a Sippy Cup?

Here’s today’s insert for Project Life 2012. Funny guy. This ain’t a sippy cup!  Project details – DSP is from Studio Calico City of Lights…chevron!  In green?!  My inspiration?  This insert on the left by Michelle Wooderson; click the …

One Little Word 2012

I chose the word SMILE! This month, I am looking for images that remind me of my word – SMILE.   Here’s a couple I chose today. This is just cute. I just love the cute expression.   …