Counterfeit SMASH Book

The latest craze – SMASH Books from EK Success – is a throwback to the old days of scrapbooking.  Remember when scrapbooking was taping & gluing memorabilia in a scrapbook; photo albums were for photos?  That’s the SMASH craze.  SMASH items are sold out online & I have yet to see them in the local big box craft store.  Hmmmm….my senior year of high school, I made a SMASH album.  The scrapbooker in me…cringed…the smashbooker in me…delighted!

My counterfeit SMASH notebook is a 9 x 12″ sketch book.  And in my favorite color!
Each week during summer break, we try to do something special.  We went to the movies.  I always intend to scrap my ticket stubs…but that don’t happen…sometimes I wind up throwing them away & even forgetting about it.
Now, I did fix this page about a week after the fact…and I fully intent to put pictures of Johnny Depp on the page.  😉 

I got out stuff I haven’t used EVER! Like Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist in Snowflake, like Changito Pirates…I had made manila tags a few weeks ago…got those out…wow! I cut into the new Nautical Expedition DSP from the SU! Summer Mini…I love that paper. I stamped the DSP with the compass face image from Changito Pirates in Black Staz-on in a random pattern.
Remember, blank spots are for photos of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack.  😀 

I sprayed this tag with Glimmer Mist and then crumpled it.  Dried with the heat gun.  Just look at that shimmer!  The tag was cut out of some old manila folders from work…one day, I just cut some tags and shaped them.  I have a bag of ’em. 

I just love the title, created with my Dymo label maker…now if that’s not a blast from the past…I don’t know what is.  Dymo label makers were the label makers of the 80’s, back when scrapbooking was smashbooking. 
I love using what I have!  The only moo’la I’m out is the price of the sketch book & I used a 50% off coupon on that!  I think this is going to give me a chance to try new techniques & design ideas, as well as use up my stash.  Many times I like a product, purchase it and then find I really have no pictures to scrap with it or have an item I feel it’s not something that needs a full page scrapped. 
So, whadayathink?  😀

2 Comments on “Counterfeit SMASH Book

  1. There you go again! You're just too creative! 🙂 I love your idea! I gave in and nabbed one of those SMASH albums. They are indeed cute inside and the accessories are so fun, but a person could definitely make their very own SMASH album from scratch! Way to go!!!! 🙂

  2. How fun! I'm seeing lots of counterfeit stuff happening with SMASH! But I knew I wouldn't have time to sit down and pull it all together myself for the girls and I, so I ordered it all right away and all has arrived but a few pieces. Glad I pre-ordered!! 🙂