Cow Piles, 9 Layers & Unfinished Bizness

Remember the Cow Piles?  Here’s one all colored up and pasted in my SMASHing idea book!

I colored the pile of Cow Piles with SU! Watercolor Wonder Crayons and an aquapainter!  I was planning to make Cow Appreciation Day cards to take to work.  That didn’t happen.  Then yesterday, the stars aligned!  LOL.  A Stampin’ Flybabies stamping challenge to use NINE layers AND an SCS sketch challenge from Wednesday…plus the mollymoo challenge to finish unfinished bizenss…and I just plumb felt up to a challenge or two or three! 


A nine layer cow pile card…and that don’t count the pile of cows!

Am I going to take the remaining four cow piles and create FOUR more NINE layer cards?  I reckon so.  I think the key to a great nine layer card is that it doesn’t look like you tried to make a nine layer card.  I think I got it! 

Have you made a nine layer card?  How’d you feel about it?

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day!

3 Comments on “Cow Piles, 9 Layers & Unfinished Bizness

  1. No nine-layer cards for me! Wow! S'pose I should try it sometime, though! 🙂 I just adore that stamp, btw! It makes me smile every time I see it! And, seriously?! There's really a Cow Appreciation Day? 🙂 Love it!!!

  2. very good, melissa, very good and i laughed so that was good too