Early bird gets the WORM shop!

Oh dear! Molly decided to have her calf in the aftermath of the 2009 Ice Storm. She was early! It’s not yet spring! We always keep an eye on Molly because she won’t let her calves nurse. I don’t mind to take care of her calves…it gives me a calf to bottle feed and play with. This year, I received a little bull.

DH was feeding the cows and he noticed Molly had calved. He kept looking around for the calf! Molly would look at DH, then look at the barn. DH looked all over the field, in the cattle shed…everywhere. He got to noticing Molly kept looking at him and then at the barn. DH finally goes in the barn. This is the barn we keep the equipment in. At first, didn’t find anything; then he saw this little black calf curled up under the hay wagon!

It’s really cold, we have no electricity and there’s ICE on everything! DH and DS get the little calf out of the barn, head down the hill and to DH’s shop. They all slip and slide and roll. They finally make it! DH had the generator hooked up to his shop so we had lights and heat in there. It was way too cold for a newborn baby calf to be in the barn.

When DH called me to tell me he put the calf in his shop. I could not believe it! A little bit about DH shop…it’s Penny Marie’s “house”. It’s a concrete block building with a concrete floor, a TV, a bathroom, running water and heat. The only thing it’s missing for living is a shower and a stove.

DS named him Early Bird, cuz he got the WORM shop!

See the feet and legs…GANGWAY! I was taking pics of E.B. and he decides to make a run towards me!

This is the right hand page of a double page spread. I started with SU! Basic Grey and the new Walk in the Park DP. The teal/white circle is Making Memories Flower Patch. This was in the Stampin Flybabies Spring 2009 Craft Kit. I used SU! Felt Flowers and Filgree Brads. The title is Taken with Teal on PTI white using Tidy Alphabet. Each word in the titls is separated with a Dress It Up fushia swarvoski crystal. The ribbon (see first photo) is SU! Basic Grey taffeta (I love that stuff!)

Here is the left hand page of the double page spread. As you can see, we ate supper in the shop during the aftermath of the 2009 Ice Storm. There’s Penny Marie and E.B. Penny Marie did not like sharing her “house” with a calf. There’s me scratching E.B.’s head…more E.B. and finally E.B. sleeping in front of the fridge. It’s the cutest thing to watch a baby calf sleep. But first…he had to remember how to lay down! Do I put this leg first…no that one…which one do I bend? What an adventurous first day for E.B. Martin.

Notice the “leaves” on the fushia felt flower? It was created with the taffeta ribbon and attached with glue dots.

Same papers as the other page and I used some buttons from the Kit.

I hope you enjoyed a peek into ond evening of our lives during the aftermath of the Ice Storm 2009. I’ll share more later.

2 Comments on “Early bird gets the WORM shop!

  1. These pages are great. I bet these guys seem like part of the family.