EF-2 Tornado

I knew a bad storm was coming Tuesday. It hit on Wednesday morning about 12:30 AM. It woke my husband up at 1:00 AM. We soon learned that a EF-2 touched down twice beginning near Cecilia KY – which is near where we live. We live in the midst of Rineyville and Cecilia, but closer to Rineyville. The twister went up Hwy 62 and hit Central Hardin High School. So there was NO school yesterday. School is in session today, but not at Central Hardin. The sports fields, bleachers, press boxes, fences on the football & baseball fields – gone. The freshman wing heavily damages and the gym roof has several holes in it. ($175K floor)

South Elizabethtown & Downtown did not have electricity for quite a while. News crews commented on how strange it was to drive into the city & there were NO lights. I’m sure that felt really funny. I work on the other side of Elizabethtown, live near Rineyville – so no personal damange. We had no deaths in our area, but the twister cut a 10 mile swath from Cecilia, went back up in the air & came down on the other side of downtown. We had a lot of rain, the ground is really soft.

And we just had a twister in January of 2006 on the north end of the county. We were in Wal-mart when this New Years Day sucker hit. All of a sudden there was a “black alert” or something. I asked what that? TORNADO. Oh —-! My husband was in the truck (in the parking lot) & watched that sucker march across the sky. He had to come into the store to get us. That was one time I wish my cell phone was CHARGED so I could have called him.

Anyway, back to yesterday…this is Hardin County KY. There were deaths in other KY counties and states. I believe Tennessee was the hardest hit – what with college dorms being destroyed and the gas fire. I learned an Elizabethtown resident was living in those dorms that were destroyed. The same storm that hit her hometown, destroys her college dorm.

In neighboring Meade County, Brandenburg (the county seat) has been closed to all but essential personnel. The governor has been here (Elizabethtown) & he said compared to the other areas, the Heartland (that’s us) was lucky.

I have been wondering about all my cyberfriends who live in the affected areas. I hope everyone made it through OK.

4 Comments on “EF-2 Tornado

  1. I’m so sorry you all had this horrible storm. I’m glad you all are safe and I hope the recovery process can begin the healing. My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected.

  2. Melissa, I am so glad to hear you and your family are okay. So sorry that many others have to suffer as they are and you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I am so sorry that you had to deal with that. I hope everyone is ok. I thought about you when I “herd” about the Twisters.

    take care,
    Jessica Lynn

  4. Melissa, I’m just visiting your blog for the first time and it’s great. Welcome to Flybabies. I’ve been out of pocket for awhile and just checking back in and I see you’ve joined us. WELCOME! It’s a great group. Lee is truly LOVE-LEE and really works hard to keep us all connected.

    So happy to hear you were spared any personal tragedy with the storms. Our church has had those in the area in our prayers.

    Good to visit you. Love your blog!