“Good morning!” said the prosecutor

“Yes it is,” said Mr. Mason.

ha ha

I love Perry Mason. You can find him on Hallmark each Sunday afternoon and again, with the same show, that evening.

This was one of the older shows…Della Street had dark grey hair and Paul Drake (swoon) was the P.I. Mom had told me that the actor that plays Paul Drake is Barbara Hale’s (Della Street’s) son. I always thought that was so cool.

I guess Perry Mason reminds me of my Senior year High School English / Literature teacher – Mr. Blair. He was quite a formidable character. He was a BIG man, gruff and called everyone Mr. this & Ms. that. I can just HEAR him bellow “Beowulf!” Ugh. Have I mentioned I hated Lit?

Anyway…how about some close ups of the projects I posted yesterday. Here’s some really yummy eye candy.

Yummy, huh? These are RSVP pens. Paper is from a Provo Craft slab. Cut DP 1 3/8″ by 3 3/8″. Run through Xyron and attached to a wiped down pen. Wiped down – wiped with my t’shirt to remove finger prints, oils, etc. Then attached sticky sheet cut in the same size, heated with heat gun, and rolled in beads.

Tied a piece of striped ribbon on the cap & viola!

I tried something new (to me) with the ribbon. I received this ribbon in one of TexasJodyLynn’s ribbon shares. I colored one stripe of white with a Copic marker (the color matches SU! Pretty in Pink). I’ll have to look that code up…


3 Comments on ““Good morning!” said the prosecutor

  1. Oh my gosh Melissa!!!! I have struggled with trying to alter RSVP pens and can’t figure them out!!! I love this idea!!!! And where do you get sticky sheet???

  2. Those pens are pretty cool and I have to admit, I did enjoy watching Perry Mason on Sunday mornings a few years ago but then it left whatever channel it was on and I couldn’t find it. But now I know… 🙂

  3. What wonderful eye candy these are! And fun to use as well.