Grandma’s Favorite Color

…is purple. Mine is green! I love the new Zinna Collection from The Little Yellow Bicycle. Diane selected this collection to be featured in the Summer 2009 SCS Stampin’ Flybabies Craft Kit! I liked it so well, I went and bought MORE Zinna Collection items! I knew I wanted to scrap the pics of Grandma’s 60th birthday celebration using these papers. Might scrap my wedding as well. Need more papers…

Here’s my first page using items from this kit.

Looking at it now…not sure I like those purple pearls…oh well….it was a doozy making this page. gosh. Notice that the paper had a definite up and down? The page was supposed to have the pic and journaling block at the bottom. See that bird in the middle of the page? He was UPSIDE DOWN! Holy cow. So I very carefully destroyed my picture in my attempt to remove it…I use sticky strip. OY! Better to destroy a picture I CAN reprint than a precious DP style I only had ONE sheet! I reprinted my picture and remembered to flip the layout 180 degress. Much better.

My favorite part about this layout is…look at the pattern on both pieces of DP…they are exactly the same, just in different colors! Sally (Salster) on SCS had the perfect sketch…SBSC115.

Love that picture of Grandma & Phillip. Phillip is the only great-grandson for Grandma and Granddad. The rest of ’em are girls!

Paper – The Little Yellow Bicycle Zinna Collection
Accessories – The Little Yellow Bicycle Zinna Collection, sticky strip, paper snips

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