Havin’ a bad day?

Nope…so far…no.  I’m still playing around with the CAS – Clean And Simple – July 4 holiday challenges over on SCS.  They continue on until July 8th.  This particular challenge was to make a monochromatic card – there were three choices – I chose the white and two or more shades of blue.

This is a Rubbernecker stamp; I colored the sentiment with four different shades of SU! blue markers.  Huffed on it and stamped!
Here is the original inside:

Hmmmm…sure it cute.  And mollymoo colored, too! 

So pretty & colorful!

But there’s something about floating washing machines…

Floating washing machine?
So…I decided to wallpaper & put in a new floor.  😀  Apparently the hard way.  But, at the monent, I was so proud of myself.

Then it dawned on me!  Well, DUH! Melissa.  I put in the washing machine; then decided to wallpaper & floor around it!  Sheesh.  I won’t be able to moo’ve my washing machine…I’ll have this “hole” where the machine was!  LOL.  Wait, this is a card. 
But, there IS an easier way…plan…put your DSP in…stamp your image on another piece of CS and then cut it out.  But I didn’t plan.  How do I know that?  Well, for one…put in the washing machine then wallpapered & floored around it.  Secondly, look at the mess.  OMGoodness! 

Mess to the right.

Mess to the left.

eeeeek!  I think it was worth it, tho.  What do you think?

All wallpapered & floored.

Aren’t these colors just so rich & pretty.
Sometimes the best things come on the fly!  So, make a mess.  Just clean it up when you get done!
I think I’m giving this to my boss…she’s had a few days like this.  She can even name the mouse…as long as it’s not Melissa.
Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day!

3 Comments on “Havin’ a bad day?

  1. I absolutely love it! Thanks for making me smile…I needed that.

  2. love this. the sentiment looks great and love the colors!

  3. I love this card! And your flooring and wallpapering job is awesome! I need some done in my house….are you available? LOL