It’s all in a day’s work.

I participated in a “spending challenge” in the SCS Flybaby Forum. Basically, the challenge was to go one month (May) without spending for any stamping related items. Fourteen participated in the challenge – each individual set goals. The ultimate purpose of the challenge was to use what we already have. Ya know…those stamps that haven’t seen ink…all that DP (dew drops, primas, whatever) you’re hoarding…

Mine was NO craft supply spending – that means no stamps, no embellishments, no ribbon, no designer paper, etc. I did spend on storage, as I was organizing my craft supplies.

Some individuals were very motivated in May to craft, craft, craft. Not me. 🙁

I guess I was too overwhelmed by the “mess”.

June rolled around…and WOW. I still haven’t spent anything on crafting supplies. (insert shocked eyeballs here!) I, as did some others, volunteered to send something to the May spending challenge participants. In keeping with the spirit of Flylady, I wanted to create something useful without spending any additional money. Take a look.

It was all in a day’s work. Really – it took eight hours to create all that stuff!

Need a closer look?

Stay tuned for information on individual projects.

2 Comments on “It’s all in a day’s work.

  1. Great job! I am so glad you got your mojo back! I really love your pens. And aren’t post it notes wonderful?

  2. OH MY GOSH!!!!! Melissa….you are a stamping wonder!!!! And such gorgamous and functional gifties too!!!! You just amaze me girl!! And you ROCKED the spending challenge…..unlike myself!!!! LOL