JLO Design Team News

WOW! I wondered why I had more followers. So I check them out…leave some comments…hop over to JLO Design Team Blog…browse around there…check out the DT name list and HOLY COW! Jess picked to be the DT Lead for the next six months.


Yep…fell out of my chair. I climbed back in…I just HAD to make sure I read that right. Yep. Off to check my work email. THERE IT IS! HOLY COW!

Now that the initial shock has subsided…I’m very flattered Jess likes my work. I’ve always been flattered Jess likes my work. Heck…she must know me better than me…she sent me that tree stamp…Relaxation Tree for All Seasons.

Who wud’ve thunk I would fall in love with a tree stamp, but as the name says…it truly is for all seasons! You can make it winter, spring, summer, fall. I even did winter with snow. Wanna go fishing with Riley this summer? I’m just amazed as how much I go to “that tree stamp”.

Now…where was I…was dusting…no…went to check on DS who is digging a four foot trench with a backhoe…no…got a cup of coffee…no…I see this string on my finger…hmmmm….

I know! How about we celebrate with a BLOG HOP?! Featuring…BRENTWOOD!

Stay tuned…gotta iron out some details with Jess. In the meantime, check out the new FREE Brentwood digi stamp!

I best get back to my dusting. I have bedsheets to change, floors to sweep and laundry to do.

And..oh yeah…a Brentwood stamp to ink up.

3 Comments on “JLO Design Team News

  1. Left a comment on the dt blog but wanted to say congrats here as well! Looking forward to some fun!

  2. That tree stamp.. I knew that you would do amazing things with it. You proved me right!! 🙂

    I can’t wait to see what you can do next!!

    Jessica Lynn

  3. Congrats! You totally deserve the lead design spot! Aren’t you glad taxes are over?

    I ordered the free download and will have to see if I can find time to create something with him!

    Way to go!