JLO Inpsiration Challenge #2

On Mother’s Day, we went to see E.T. at the Historic State Theater in Elizabethtown, KY. The State recently completed several years of restoration and renovation. It is now open. You can learn more about the Historic State Theater HERE.

The Art Deco style was prevalent between 1920 and 1939. It is sandwiched between the two World Wars. The Art Deco style is characterized by:
  • angular, symmetrical and geometric designs. In the State, the stage is flanked by two greek goddesses; one holding the mask of tragedy, the other comedy. The theater is a mirror image of itself, if you just put that mirror right down the center of the auditorium.
  • stepped forms, sweeping curves, chevron patterns and sunburst motif. The State has sweeping curves in it’s decor. You can see this in the murals on the side walls and in the relief sculptures on the ceiling. In the picture below, you can see the stepped form in the design of the walls on the outside of the theater.

  • bold colors. The State is painted in various shades of green and burgundy. Other colors characteristic of the Art Deco Style are yellow and torquoise.
  • non-traditional materials. Art Deco Style includes the use of materials such as aluminum, marble, glass, stainless steel, plastic and/or inlaid wood.

Here is a description of the State Theater, from http://historicstatetheater.org/history/

Fronting on Dixie Highway, the theater is one of the few remaining examples of Art Deco architecture in Hardin County. The building is constructed of brick in a common bond pattern. Significant features are the large marquee, neon signs and stepped roof parapet which are typical features of the Art Deco theater architecture of the late 1930’s and 1940’s.

The front facade includes in-laid geometric designs, which surround and emphasize the grand vertical marquee tower. Carrara glass accented portions of the front façade such as the ticket booth on the right of the building and the store-front style window on the left.


Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to play along with the JLO DT and create something with JLO stamps inspired by the Art Deco Style. There’s no time limit. If you don’t have any JLO stamps, why not check out the FREE Brentwood digi stamp?

If you upload your project to SplitCoastStampers, use keywords JLOIC02 (JessicaLynnOriginal Inspiration Challenge 02). Additional keywords for this project could be Brentwood and/or JessicaLynnOriginal.

I’m looking forward to seeing your creations!