JLO Technique Challenge #1

Have you ever torn designer paper? Accidently, yeah sure..that’s aggravating actually.

How about on purpose? No? Yes?

Me? Yeah…I use my SU! Tearing Edge…love that thing.

Still with me? Ok…next question…

Have you ever wadded up designer paper? Yeah…ya know…wadded it up like a paper basketball? No? Yes?

Me? NO! I don’t even wad up designer paper scraps before I toss them in the trashcan. Wad up designer paper on purpose…ARE YA NUTS?!? I keep my DP as wrinkle free as I possibly can!

Crumpling DP sounds like scary stuff! It was unthinkable for me…until this past weekend.

I reckon it’s like a child doing something “scary” for the first time…like jumping in the swimming pool, riding a bike…but after ya do it…what a rush!

Tearing designer paper and crumpling is just WAY too much fun! There’s just something about tearing and cumpling cheap DP…it’s kind of like popping the bubbles in the bubble wrap.

I haven’t crumpled the expensive stuff…yet…that’s still a tad too far outside my comfort zone at the moment. Let me get used to this new comfort zone.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to distress DP by tearing or crumpling. Then use it on a project along with a JLO stamp.

Keyword for uploading to SCS is JLOTC01 (JessicaLynnOriginal Technique Challenge 01).

JLO challenges are open to Design Team members and anyone who wishes to participate. Post a comment and leave a link to your project so we can check it out!