Life in the Coral Reef…

…is beautiful.  What vibrant colors!  It was very interesting watching live coral…move…float…it’s like when you dip your hair in the swimming pool and it floats…

OK.  The hair is still attached to your head.  Nothing spoils a good mood like a loose hair ANYWHERE!  Yuck!

I was captivated by this little yellow fish!  I took THREE pictures of him.  The exhibit tank was quite wide and in the other corner we could watch the coral capture the smaller fish.  Interesting.  The coral emits something like a sticky substance to capture fish.  Pretty cool.  Sometimes the fish would break loose.  That sticky substance must be like caramel or chocolate…the poor fish kept coming back for more.  {sigh}

That’s a little alpha!  Teeny tiny!  It’s SU! Naturally Serif.  I even dotted the “i”.  I do like the alpha…a lot.  I ran the letters through Xyron to attach.  I dotted the “i”‘s with Mono Multi.  😀

We visited the CARGO HOLD Gift Shop…love that name!  I scrapped my patch and the packaging.  I thought the packaging was neat!  It also makes a great transition from this page to the companion page.

The companion page is the page I showed on Monday.  Here they are together:

SUPPLIES for Today’s page:
Paper: Cameo Coral, Brushed Silver, Taken with Teal
Accessories: Stampin’ Dimensionals, Big Shot, Naturally Serif Alphabet, Xyron, Mono Multi, Sticky Strip

Thanks for stopping by!

One Comment on “Life in the Coral Reef…

  1. That little yellow fish is so got great photos of him! Great page!