MIX34, Halloween Style

Still coughing…but at least, it’s productive.

I have Halloween crafty goodness out.  Yesterday, when I picked up the MAMBI pad at Michael’s, I also picked up more acrylic paint.  Soon, I’ll have most shades of the rainbow!  I love acrylic paint!  Mister Huey is pretty good, too.  So when Friday and a new mix-a-bility challenge rolled around…I was ready to go!
MIX34 challenges us to “paint x2”.  Acrylic paint + Mister Huey and traditional ink.  Inspired by a Pinterest pin,  I came up with these two:

I love ’em.   The left one is sprayed with Opaque White; the right is “droppered”, then dabbed.  I sprayed both with Mister Huey Shine…they are sparkly…no…shiny and not shiny.  There’s lots of visual texture, I suppose I could call it that.  I want to rub my fingers across the cards…they are almost smooth…and look like patterned paper!  I’m loving the Martha Stewart glitter die cuts!  I’m down to one witch, one cat and a handful of stars! 
Here’s the inside of one; both are the same, except the Pebbles Chalkboard stickers (from SC Licorice Double Scoop add-on) are different shapes.  I cut into more MAMBI paper from the 6 x 6 pad!

The witch is flying outside…and they are in line to go visit the haunted house!  OH NO!  wait!  The witch standing in line is throwing a fit because her broom didn’t fly fast enough.  LOL.  I wanted to be first, she says, stomping her foot!  Personally, I think her broom went plenty fast enough…she scared the cat!  I think she got lost, too…first she’s going west, then she’s going east…but HEY! better late than never. 

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day!

One Comment on “MIX34, Halloween Style

  1. Super fun cards, Melissa! I love that cat!!!! Fabulous mix of paints! That fence is really cool and I love the moon! Great take on the challenge!