ATV Starter

We’ve had ATV “issues”…so Dale spend a day or two tuning up our three ATVs. Phil’s needed a new carburator, so he bought the parts & took it to a friend to be rebuilt. Mine needed a new battery & spark plug. Dale’s needed a starter. Hoo boy, did it need a starter. Back in December, Dale was parking that thing on the front porch (ugh)…so I was going to just take the garbage to the dumpster. Rather than walk, I thought I would ride his ATV. Dang thing wouldn’t start. It just sat there making noise. Ugh! So, Dale did some calling, a new starter for his Honda ATV was $300 smackeroonies! Ouch!

Now my husband is not an internet, E-bay, online purchaser at all. Not at all. So he goes to looking on E-bay…they have gobs of Honda Starters. He found the one he wanted