MSM’s Green Goblin

Virtual Scrapbooking Night challenges are happening over on SCS.  

Challenge 1: Celebrating babies in our lives:  Babies have many different definitions in my mind. I immediately think of newborns. But babies include infants, toddlers, young children, grandbabies, friend’s kids, and even heritage baby pictures. So many of us consider our pets as our babies. I still consider my 25 and 28 year old as my babies. So, your Babies Challenge, is open to include all that you consider your babies.

Challenge 1 Rules: 

• Use monochromatic colors for this page. (All shades of one color such as all blues or pinks, or greens, reds, or blacks.)

• Label the names of the people in your pictures. This can be a title, journal box, label strips, or other creative idea.

• Complete a one or two page layout.

• Add two additional embellishments. 

Here is my interpretation:

The monochromatic orange color scheme with pops of black looks wonderful with the Green Goblin!  My two additional embellishments were the black grid that I cut into three pieces and the black sequins.  In this project, the orange washi tape serves as an paper element, rather than as an embellishment. The “make magic” panel is a silkscreened acrylic paint on watercolor paper.  

It’s been quite a while since I have played in VSBN.  I hope to create some more pages.

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day!

Paper: Basic Grey for Studio Calico x 2; ProvoCraft Jack O Lantern Spooks; Canson Watercolor Paper
Accessories: Accessories: Studio Calico – (from The Underground kits: black grid, “make magic” silkscreen), CT acrylic paint (Orange County), CT alpha (Inky Black), Sequins (black); Target – orange washi tape; Tim & Beck for SC – Tiny Alpha Stickers; Thickers Sotheby’s Charcoal
Techniques: Silkscreen

2 Comments on “MSM’s Green Goblin

  1. I always like the way you use fun elements, Melissa. Like cutting thst grid apart and having that one little piece of it….so clever.