Phillip @ 16

I was looking for some paper to use for this picture and for the upteenth time passed by this SU! Specialty Pack…was I saving it for a “special project”?  HUH?  What’s more special than this project?  😉

I don’t remember the name of this SU! Specialty paper pack, but I used the heavy shimmery copper, the satin stripe Whisper White and the stain stripe Crumb Cake.  I love it!  It really did not photograph well. 
I’m no longer a paper hoarder.  Seriously.  How am I going to enjoy the beautifuf paper when the paper is in a drawer?  I’m not.  Or the pictures while they are in a frame in the closet or an envelope in a box?  I’m not. 
I can now just open an album…and enjoy the pictures for which I handed over a bunch of FRNs AND the gorgeous paper that…well…I had to hand over a bunch of FRNs for, too.  LOL.  Point is…if it’s good enough to buy, good enough to keep, find a way to enjoy it.  I think I watched WAY to much Clean Sweep.  LOL.  Nope…I like that show!  The one thing I took away from that show is if you’re gonna keep something, honor it.  Place it somewhere you can enjoy it.  Otherwise, it probably needs to go.
Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day!

One Comment on “Phillip @ 16

  1. Not enough FRNs in the world to buy this young man! Thanks again for sharing your life in pictures with me! 🙂

    "To the world you may be only one person…but to one person you may be the world!"