SMASH Book Pages

SMASH books are a great place to keep up with your lists.  Yep…they sure are.  My first three pages are guess what?  LISTS! 😀 

This list will help me when I actually get to scrap the activities my son has participated in and when.  😉  I already had this list in two places…in my “to scrap” stuff, in a sheet protector and another somewhere else.  Sheesh.  Now, it’s in ONE place, where I can just flip to the page & scrap.  And it looks interesting…creative…it’s not a reminder of what I haven’t had time to do.

We found this list in our local paper…and we promptly marked the movies we wanted to see this summer.  I had the list tacked on the bulletin board, where I forgot it was there.  I just put it there a month ago.  Now, I know it is there…I will actually LOOK at the list.

I added a tab to the page.  It’s part of our summer 2011 plans.  The paper I’ve had for a long time, just have not used it until now.  One thing I really like about these SMASH book pages is I can cut into designer paper I like and then still admire the paper.  Yes, I will put stuff on it, but I will get to look at the paper for a while before I put something on it. 
I spent most of the weekend going through my designer paper, pulling out papers.  I cut them & taped them on the pages of the sketch journal.  60 pages in all.  LOL 60 pages of pretty DSP.  Did I just tell on myself?

Look at this:

Have you EVER done this before?

The solution:

Only because I sticky stripped on the tab then stapled the tab…the staple was sticky stripped in.  Yeah…could’ve tore out the page…but nah…easier to just tape the two pages together.  Makes the page stronger, too. ðŸ˜‰

I pulled out random supplies to create the title for the next list…ahem page…I had planned.

On this page, I listed the things we wanna do this summer.   (Camp WannaFLY is a FLYLady “thing”; no, we don’t wanna go flying, but the son did mention skydiving.  No, I didn’t put that one on the list.)

Please note:

Stickers kept for use “someday” do not last forever.  😉 

Since the list was under construction…I wanted to use a bulldozer…both ripped as I tried to remove them from the backing.  Hmmmm…repeat after me…stickers do not last forever.  Pull ’em out & use ’em.  (<—I’m working on this.)
I’m happy with this project.  For some reason, it’s a relief.  It’s a realization of many sorts for me.  And, I think, most importantly, this project is a JOURNEY, not a DESTINATION.  Much like life.  I’m going to enjoy the journey…I know I will use these lists to help me in my life journey…whether we be doing our summer activities or I be scrapping our past activities.
Thanks for stopping by.  Have a moo’valous day!

4 Comments on “SMASH Book Pages

  1. Look at those awesome pages! Go YOU!! I can't wait to sit down and SMASH tomorrow. We started a bin to stash all the stuff we collect to SMASH. We collected quiet a bit over the weekend!!

  2. Lookin' good!! Can't wait to see more updates! 🙂

  3. This is awesome!! I wanted all the SMASH stuff but the shipping alone would cost me an arm and a leg…and with the postal strike it is next to impposible to get now!! I like your counterfeting…think I may give this a try for my summer bucket list!