a SMASHing Idea Book Pagination

My SMASHing idea book is coming along with each project I create.  Sometimes I do make the page before I put away the supplies from my projects, other times it’s all about the page.  The sets are in random order, so I have an index…

a SMASHing idea book – Index

…and page numbers…

a SMASHing idea book – Page numbers at the bottom of most pages
a SAMSHing idea book – Page numbers at the top of some pages
My SMASHing idea book is not an alphabetical index of what I HAVE, but rather an idea book of how to use what I have.  My goal is to write down ideas before I purchase a set, then when the sets get here, make the SMASH book pages.  I’ll eventually have both – a stamp inventory AND an idea of what I wanted to use those sets for.  The ultimate goal is to use what I have.  Ideally, I won’t be stumped for a crafting idea because I have realized there is no way humanly possible to use every craft product I have.  I just have to keep my mojo flowing and if using an idea books on days it’s not flowing freely gets it flowing, then I’m all for it.  I have lots of ideas for things but I cannot do them all at once and I cannot use up precious brain cells trying to remember all of them.  Brain cells are getting in short supply anyway. 

When I started my page numbering, I chose my favorite SU! products.

Tidy Numbers (retired)
Tidy Alphabet and Tidy Numbers is my go to set!  Easy to trim and looks good with just about everything!
Wild Wasabi ink.

A great way to use up scraps!
I do a little at a time, so I don’t get bored and so I can use up scraps!  Works for me.  Have ou given any thought to how you inventory your stamp sets and / or keep up with your ideas for particular stamp sets?  How do you do it?
On another note, I still haven’t decoreated the outside of the book yet.  LOL.

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day.

3 Comments on “a SMASHing Idea Book Pagination

  1. Oh I think often on how to organize my stamp sets and even tried a few things I've come up with…but what can I say I get side tracked and off topic real easy…..do you have or will you post a picture of one of your idea pages?? I'd love to see one of those.

  2. Suzanne, click on the label "a SMASHing idea book" on the right column or after the post. I will be adding more pages in the next few days. I'm a SHE, too. I think this works for me because it's not perfect, it doesn't have to be in order and it doesn't have to be done all at once. I can enjoy the journey.

  3. I love it Mollymoo!! You are doing fabulous!!