Phillip is TWO!

If you’ve been following my latest series of posts, I have been scrapping the formal birthday pictues of Phillip.  You can check out previous posts HERE.  Today, I showcase age TWO.  And John Deere!  Don’t you just love …

Phillip is FOUR!

Very rarely do I buy a non-SU! paper collection and buy the whole nine yards!  I love this Basic Gray Archaic collection…I purchased the fibers, the chipboard, the rub-ons and the whole 12 x 12 paper pack.  I …

Phillip is SIX!

And I love Blues Clues!  I found a clue!  I found a clue! Let’s get out our handy dandy notebook…ah.  I found the Blues Clues print on the Nick Jr website!  I paired it up with SU! Night …

Phillip @ 12

Just graduated from elementary school!  No not recently…but back in 2006.  I’m taking a trip back down the memory lane this week scrapping the annual formal pics of my son, Phillip. Same layout, different papers, different photo, different …

Phillip @ 14!

This was the last formal picture made while he had his braces.  I asked Phillip what colors would go good with this black & white picture…um…black & white, he said.  LOL.  I added the pop of Pacific Point!  …

Phillip @ 15!

Oh my goodness.  I about cried after I got this one done.  I guess I hadn’t had any time to ENJOY this picture.  But I do now.  See… I found the perfect place for it to hang on …

Phillip is FIVE!

I’m getting up my courage to scrap all those formal 8 x 10 pictures from each birthday!  Here’s number FIVE! I’ve now created the first page for his baby book.  LOL.  It wasn’t too bad.  I used glue …

Aqua Sparkles

I feel like a 12 x 12 double page layout!  😀  I’m loving these colors…the aqua blue and the olive green.  They are very refreshing in this heat wave.  We’re supposed to have heat indices of up to …

Dixie Stampede

It was family, fun, freedom, fireworks, flags, FOOD!  😀  Nope…not the Fourth of July.  The Dixie Stampede in Pigeon Forge TN!  Notice I “x”ed out the “fourth” and Sharpie markered in FOOD!  I created these pages at a …

Aquatic Animals

There were some really interesting individual exhibits of aquatic animals at Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies.  Here’s a page with a few of them: Since DS plays Playstation while I scrap, I always share my completed page with …