Ice Storm 2009 – Day 1, Venturing Out

I felt like scrapping a series of photos that tell a story.   It’s time for a double page spread! I love the reflection of my husband’s work gloves in the windshield of the truck. Thanks for stopping …

Solemn Stillness GOLD

The gilded age has returned!   I love the sparkle, especially the Zing! Glitter Finish Gold embossing powder!  I’m not certain I’m impressed with the Mister Huey Gold.  In the right light, it shimmers nicely; otherwise, meh.  While …

MSM’s Solemn Stillness

I need 16 – 20 more Christmas cards.  (sigh)  I thought I had enough.  No worries.  I’m having fun making cards.  I checked in with my go-to challenges over on SCS: CAS, Color Challenge and Sketch Challenge.  I …

Happy Halloween

I have been blessed with a lovely case of bronchitis.  I’m hoping I’m on the mend because my mojo appeared!  I want to play with Halloween goodies…I mean…make Halloween cards.  So…feeling halfway decent today, after work I went …


The boy watched way too much of TLC’s AX MEN.  He had to go cut down a tree with his new chainsaw.  We have, or had, TWO trees.  LOL.  A big tulip poplar in the field…and that locust …

VERVE Happiness

I participated in the week long stamp boot camp…I mean the annual Dare to Get Dirty 2013 for the Fan Club members over on SplitCoastStampers!  I won a prize.  Actually, I won TWO prizes.  One was an extension of my …

Smile & Enjoy

I decided to participate in the 400th sketch challenge on Splitcoaststampers dot com.  It was “crafter’s choice”.  So I picked Sketch 379.  It is a great sketch to showcase some great designer paper from the August Studio Calico …

Cow Piles, 9 Layers & Unfinished Bizness

Remember the Cow Piles?  Here’s one all colored up and pasted in my SMASHing idea book! I colored the pile of Cow Piles with SU! Watercolor Wonder Crayons and an aquapainter!  I was planning to make Cow Appreciation …