Project Life Ideas

I’m seriously thinking about jumping on the Project Life bandwagon…SMASHbook style.  I already keep an agenda type calendar – I can write down what we do & where we need to go…all in one place.  SMASHbook style means …

Stampin Up! Order – April 2011

I’m back.  And another TAX SEASON bites the dust… Actually, it but the dust on April 17…but whew…it takes a while to get ya groove back.   I’ve been crafting, but just have not posted yet.  And I have …

Suite Textiles

I’m so in love with the Stampin’ Up! Sew Suite collection.  Take a look at the textiles & accessories. Fabric, Buttons, Pom Pom Trim Oh my!  Check out the DETAIL in the fabric! Yummy! What am I going …