a SWELL mis-adventure

I scrapped these photos exactly three years to the day of the event!  March 24, 2010.   For March, our theme is GET WELL.  Of course, I had to make a page.  The boy got his foot hung between …

….and the star of the show…

FOOD!  What else?  food.    I fixed that “E”.  😉  No time to retake the photo after I got it all edited.  No way.  Just imagine the “E” is chocolate.  😉  Cuz, it is now.  LOL.   Lots …

dead end cemetery

ah…yes.  more halloween bash 2006 pages! This is bright idea #5 – color pop!  Can ya tell I’m loving Studio Calico’s February 2013 class, Bright Ideas?    For this one, I used Classic Calico Vol 3 items, Front …

Pirates of the RINEY*TOWN

Um…yep…Halloween Bash 2006 and the theme was PIRATES!    I made some decorations that year…two of which became my all time favorite Hallween decorations.  My scarecrow pirate…a.k.a. Capt’n Jack…sadly…passed away this past Halloween.  He now lives in the landfill.  …