Project Life Ideas

I’m seriously thinking about jumping on the Project Life bandwagon…SMASHbook style.  I already keep an agenda type calendar – I can write down what we do & where we need to go…all in one place.  SMASHbook style means …

Paper Piercing

There are several paper piercing challenges out this week!  I didn’t plan to use paper piercing on this SMASHbook page, but it ws sure screaming for it! And whadayano!  It fit the bill!  Don’t ya just love it when …

The Greatest American Hero!

…is Captain America!  I grew up in the world of Super Friends…Superman, Wonder Woman and, of course, Captain America!  We went on Sunday to see the new movie in 3-D. And I had to make a SMASH page!  …

SMASH Book Pages – Timeline Divider

I researched various quotes on the web.  I found five I particularly like.  I’m using my stash AND the counterfeit paper & pockets. My son didn’t ‘get” the bathroom minute.  I think he’s spoiled.  Me, having grown up …

SMASH Book Ideas

Today, I’m sharing some ideas for I plan to utilize in my counterfeit SMASH Book. Story Jar – I have some clear paint cans…but…ya know…I can also print these on cardstock and use them in my SMASH journal.    Journal Pockets – …

SMASH Book Quotes

One thing about SMASH books…anything goes.  Any subject, any type of everyday  material. Every once in a while, I come across an inspirational gem.  And really, don’t have anywhere to put it so I can be inspired by …

Modified SMASH Book

My SMASH book got fat.  Yes, it would still close, but eventually, the cover would’ve warped.  So I…gasp…took off the O-wires and used some hinged, snap close rings.  Now I can add & remove pages.  I know…but I love …

SMASH Book Pages

SMASH books are a great place to keep up with your lists.  Yep…they sure are.  My first three pages are guess what?  LISTS! 😀  This list will help me when I actually get to scrap the activities my son has …

Counterfeit SMASH Book

The latest craze – SMASH Books from EK Success – is a throwback to the old days of scrapbooking.  Remember when scrapbooking was taping & gluing memorabilia in a scrapbook; photo albums were for photos?  That’s the SMASH craze.  SMASH …