Everyday is a Celebration!

Don’t settle for celebrating Taco Tuesdays with margaritas every week!   Celebrate every. single. day.

Keep Going!

This quote from Winston Churchill makes me chuckle.  Then I’m like…well duh!  LOL. I used upteen supplies and got messy!  Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day!


MSM’s son-shine rules

(Participating in this sketch challenge:  http://www.lifepaperscrapbook.com.au/2014/03/march-sketch-challenge.html#comment-form)

Heartland Festival AG Village

It was a glorious day to visit the AG Village at the 2010 Heartland Festival!

Remember SUPER SUGAR CRISP Cereal?

Today, it’s named the politically correct “Golden Crisp”.  Ahem…it’s the same cereal.  ðŸ˜‰ I loved it as a kid; my kid loves it.  He wanted to save the box because he likes the box.  I gotta admit, I …

MSM’s Love this kid!

Love this kid…he has such a beautiful smile.  

Sugar Rush Doodled Owl

It’s been a while since I’ve made a card.  I’ve been eyeing this owl die ever since I won a GC from Serendipity Stamps during HYCCT 2013.  It reminds me of a silver necklace I had as a …

Bachelor Degree in Scrapping

Just for fun and to get some pages scrapped, I participated in the VSBN1113 – Scrapping Degree Program over on SplitCoastStampers.  I’m going for all three:  Bachelor, Master & Doctorate.  Is anyone surprised?  LOL.   The supplies for …

Happy Halloween

I have been blessed with a lovely case of bronchitis.  I’m hoping I’m on the mend because my mojo appeared!  I want to play with Halloween goodies…I mean…make Halloween cards.  So…feeling halfway decent today, after work I went …