VSBN September 2017 – Back to School

Back to school – nothing screams fall like back to school time.  School supplies.  New clothes.  This was my favorite time of the year.  Mom would take us to Roses for back to school clothes.  This was before the time of the Towne Mall, which was built around 1986, and all the clothing stores that now populate the city.  It’s been quite a few years since I have shopped at Roses, but back then, they had quality clothing.  We would try on the new fall fashions and put them on layaway.  It was still a tad early (warm) to be wearing fall clothes when school actually started.  We purchased school supplies at TG&Y, which was our “Wal-mart” without the grocery section in those days.  Every year, I always got a new themed metal lunchbox, with a thermos, and a book bag.  Little House on the Prairie.  Wonder Woman.  SuperFriends.   Those are just a few that come to mind.
I’m no longer in school and my kiddo graduated from high school a few years back.  So, a twist is in order – let’s not take this theme so literally.  
F – Back to School.  We learn something new every day.  The challenge is to scrap something educational or demonstrate / share something learned in a paper crafting class (a tip or a technique).  Alternatively, back to school photos could be scrapped.

My page focuses on the GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE.  Included on the page is a demonstration of how the moon eclipsed the sun from OUR point of view using punched circles.  While the sun / moon pairing actually moved in an upward diagonal across the sky, I chose to show this in a soft arrow that provides movement around the page.  This page will function as a title page for a series of pages (maybe four) about that day.  The idea for this page was developed during the many breaks that were taken during the viewing of the eclipse.  I wanted to remember how the moon crossed the sun at 1 and exited at 9.  I had this page done very quickly that evening – in under an hour.
We had a lot of fun with the solar eclipse glasses and the pinhole viewer.   I did not take any photos of the eclipse itself, instead, choosing to enjoy the experience.  
Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day!