VSBN September 2017 – Food

Food.  It’s all about the food.  It’s been said that we spend longer today than they did years ago in restaurants having dinner.  Maybe it wasn’t said nicely.  Maybe they were complaining about the long table wait and someone piped up and said yeah, we have to wait longer for our tables.   Why though?  Because we have to take photos of our FOOD!  How about instead of keeping a written food diary, we keep a photographic food album.  Now, that’s an idea.  
E – Food.  The challenge is to scrap fall food photos and then “rate your food” by using stars on your layout.  Lots of options here – foodie photos, photos of a spread of food (like yesterday’s Halloween luncheon photos or the birthday cookout spread) or a recipe page (long overdue for me to create one of these!).  
So, what do we have…ah, yes.  The hogs.  Last October, they went to the butcher.   

I kept the pig ears and pig tails off all the hogs.  We took three hogs – one was ours – I asked everyone else if they wanted their pig ears and pig tail – my boss looked at me like I had two heads, but said no, you can have them – so, no one wanted their pig ears or pig tail.  LOL.  So, I decided to make treats for Spike and Penny.  It went OK.  I just didn’t expect to b.a.k.e.  t.h.e.m.  f.o.r.  s.o.  l.o.n.g.  Seriously.  I wrote it down somewhere, because I have more pig ears and a pig tail to bake, but it was longer than they said on the recipe.   A whole lot longer.  But it was worth it.  Penny – she loved stuff like that – like Penny with a beef bone – she kept on until it was gone – all night long.  Pretty sure she thought Lincoln and Garfield would steal it.  LOL.  Loved that little dog.  Spike enjoyed his as well.  Pretty sure he inhaled it in one sniff.  LOL.  It was challenging to find the happy medium in size, as Penny was an American Cocker Spaniel and Spike is a Yellow Lab.  
We’ve eaten all our our pork burgers and pork sausage patties.  (sigh)  We still have a couple roasts (found a keeper BBQ pork recipe), pork chops and sausage logs.  And another set of ears and a tail, somewhere.  Dale mentioned it the other day.  Might call our butcher and see if he has some more pig ears and pig tails for me – that’s too much work to do just one set.  And two sets is the most I can do at one time.  I’ll make it a new fall traditions to bake pig ears & pig tails around pumpkin picking time.  Speaking of which, I still need to go get pumpkins.  GASP!
We’re getting a trio of hogs next year.  Until then, the Pork Producers will have to satisfy my cravings for pork burgers and pork sausage patties.  AND, I’m putting more pork into burgers and sausage patties.  It’s a learning process – make a list of your cuts and as you eat up your meat – modify your list.
Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day.