VSBN September 2017 – Thanks

As I wrap up the VSBN September 2017 project parade, how fitting that THANKS is the focus for the final challenge.  I seriously could not have planned this better.  LOL.  I totally had these in a different order and posted them in whatever order I felt inspired to on the particular weekend.  And THANKS just happened to fall to the end.  Not because I don’t give THANKS, but because I say THANKS for having me as your hostess for VSBN September 2017.  I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing, chatting and looking at your pages.  The enthusiasm and encouragement from the participants was a great inspiration to me and I hope the challenges were a great inspiration to you.
When we think of giving thanks, we typically think of Thanksgiving.  However, we can (and should) give thanks year round.  I’m less intentional about this throughout the year than I am when I’m doing the project “30 Days of Thanks”.  But the challenge is not a focus on being intentional (although you can).  Focus on those things you might take for granted – things you would miss if you didn’t have them – things you enjoy doing with someone.  This could encompass a large variety of topics.  As you look through your photos, don’t look at the event itself – consider how thankful you feel and choose your topic accordingly.  There is no right or wrong way to do this.
I – Thanks.  The challenge is to scrap someone / something for which you are thankful.  Alternatively, you may scrap Thanksgiving photos.  Provide some movement around your page and some focus to your photo by journaling around your photo!  Don’t fret about getting the journaling perfect – write it out on scrap paper, fake it out around the photo and fill in blank spaces with arrows and doodling.  You can do this!

My first sample is a large selfie of me & my mom at Lincoln Days (2016), a local festival celebrated in my and Abraham Lincoln’s hometown!  While my page focuses on fun times and the journaling states facts, I read those facts and feel immensely grateful for the opportunity to spend this time with Mom.  It’s something we look forward to and has become a tradition – although we didn’t make the festival together this year.  It’s also one of those instances where the journaling puts photos in my mind.  

My second sample features a smaller photo with a large title and a quote.  Journaling surrounds the photo on two sides – with the large title to the top and the smaller quote to the right.  This lady came into my life when Dale & I first started as Cub Scout leaders.   And she has styled, cut and colored my hair ever since.  She’s good – I just sit down and she works her magic.  She took this photo one day after she had worked her magic and we were waiting on the toe nail paint to dry!  
There are so many things in my life for which I am grateful.  Today is my 48th birthday.  I am so thankful for a husband that I love bunches and that loves me so and celebrates with me all the big and little things.  I am thankful for a son that I love bunches and gives me gray hair that my friend has to color.  LOL.   Kids.  But I sure do love him.  
When you feel grumpy, think of something for which you are thankful.  It might take a little bit, because you are grumpy, right?  But even the smallest thing, will let in that ray of sunshine and warm your heart.
Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day.