Welcome T2!

We went through a really rough patch this summer…really rough. There was a little kitty, the daughter of Callie and Phillip’s beloved Tigger. Both of these cats were killed this summer and are buried side by side up at the grain bins. When school started in August, Phillip decided to take care of this little kitty. He named her “Tigger the 2nd”. I shortened it to “T2”. For a while, we did feed the cats on the porch. Really, they should be fed in the barn. So eventually, we began feeding them in the barn again and took T2 to the barn. Shortly after moving her to the barn, I noticed two holes in her neck. They were infected. YUCK! So I cleaned them the best I could with peroxide and applied neosporin each day for about a week. She was still unsteady on her feet, but I didn’t see anything else. Then one morning I saw some “snot” on another place on her neck. UGH! Upon further investigation, it was NOT snot, there was another set of holes in her neck. She had four holes in her neck!

That afternoon after work, I went to the pet store and bought a crate. I was not about to lose this kitty that Phillip had named T2, especially after he came home from a week of Boy Scout Camp & found Tigger dead in the barn. I also made a vet appointment.

The next day, I pack T2 away in her crate & take her to the vet! Poor thing. Not only did she have four holes in her neck, she had fleas, ear mites and a respiratory “thing”. Can ya say miserable?

DH was very firm in the years after we got married that there were to be NO pets in the house. I guess he kind of figured T2 was coming to live with us when I brought her back from the vet. He didn’t say a word.
I think T2 has been a healing thing for our family. She makes Dale smile, she makes Phillip smile. She makes me smile.

Here’s a page created using items from the Stampin’ FLYBabies Fall Craft Kit dedicated to our little lifesaver.

T2 loves to sleep on Dale. She loves to play at night, while we’re trying to sleep. Sometimes, she’s really annoying. She even jumped in Dale’s bowl of chili he was having for lunch one day. Dale just laughed and got her out of his chili. He made the comment that “she cleaned up good” when I arrived home from work that evening. She even likes to play with her poop or the clumps from the litter box. This little kitty can really amuse herself.
I’ve since nicknamed her “Trouble to the 2nd degree”. Dale calls her the “Attack Cat”. Phillip is still trying out nicknames for her.

3 Comments on “Welcome T2!

  1. I’m glad you are having such a good experience with your pet. They can really make a difference in life, can’t they?

  2. Awww…..what a sweetie!!! I’m so glad you have a little T2!! Our pets sure can help us heal and be happy!!

  3. I am so happy that T2 came to help make things better. It sounds like you needed each other. 🙂

    I wish you happy holidays.

    Jessica Lynn