…what a good lil dogue!

At one time, I had a magazine named “Dogue”.  It was the canine version of “Vogue”.  It was cute.  Then I started calling my Cocker Spaniel “a good lil’ dogue.”  LOL.

Penny flies!  Really, she flies.  If she’s moving…it’s one big blur.  She got to visit inside the house…and off she goes…fast…with that nose to the ground.  T-2 was a smart kitty kat.  She went to hide.  LOL.
Penny and the shop cats.  Oh boy.  She growls at Garfield…Garfield hisses at her.  They aggravate each other.  But she likes Lincoln.  I think.  Cuz Lincoln is MY cat.  Garfield is Dale’s cat.  LOL.  eh…CATS…I guess they were playing or goofing off that day.  Love that expression on her face!
Feed me MOM!  Feed me!  And there’s those treats she loves.  I try to purchase…ahem…soft ones.  Her pills, I smush up in the treat!  😉  Crinkle the bag…and that’s the look I get.  LOL.
What a dogue! 
I used products from every. single. BLOCK PARTY kit.  Yup…sure did!  I even pulled a couple things from my stash, like those ca-ute cat paper clips!  eek!  (I also purchased the…ahem…COW clips…they were out of dog clips.)  I really really really like that push pin badge! 
This layout was inspired by Studio Calico’s Sunday Sketch 01.28.2013…the card sketch.  Although, I have less squares than the sketch has circles.  LOL.  I don’t care.  I got to scrap some adorable pictures of my ca-ute little dogue.
Thanks for stopping by!  Have a moo’valous day!

3 Comments on “…what a good lil dogue!

  1. I love how you did strips of paper everyhere. Great pics too!

  2. What a super cut page. It really made me smile. I love your write-up about the rogue and cats. She is adorably fluffy. Your page just creates a big smile. Love your patterned mix the arrow…great feature. You are a STAR scrapper Melissa.