White Fluff & Sparkly Chipboard

Thursday – WOW! We woke up to some white fluffy stuff that quickly turned to slush. My little doggie didn’t stay out long this morning! While waiting for the school bus, my son made her an ice ball to play with and to eat. Brrrr! I sure did enjoy the snowfall while it lasted. I waited for daylight before heading out to work. The roads were wet, wet, wet. The road crews did a good job! Schools were delayed an hour today. My son really did enjoy that extra hour at home this morning.

Believe it or not, the sparkly chipboard is looking good. The glimmer mist made the cardboard wet & the layers started separating. Of course, I did saturate the heart with the glimmer mist. Hey – I was trying to get some color on it. I know glimmer mist is not color, but it did make a really nice sheen. I was piddling around some more tonight and I inked the edges in whisper white craft ink…can’t get into the inside of the heart…I’ll think of something. I’m thinking white out might just do the trick.

On another note, I anxiously am awaiting the arrival of my JLO stamps! I’m so excited. Hopefully they will be here by Saturday, so I can PLAY!